By Admin
National Chamber of Restaurants and Flavored Food Industry in Mexico...

Produced by: Taybele Piven, Director of Latin American Operations for WDM Group

To be a national business organization that accounting, integrates, educates, promotes and defends the interests of the restaurant industry through dialogue with the Government and other sectors.

To be an efficient, modern and respectable chamber, influential in the public opinion and committed to the preservation, research and dissemination of the gastronomic traditions of Mexico.

The restaurant industry DIMENSION IN MEXICO
According to the National Statistics Institute (INEGI)
There are 428,000 restaurants in Mexico.
• We generate more than one and half million direct jobs, 3 and a half million indirectly. In all, 5 million formal jobs
• 55 percent of workers in the industry are women
• Our annual sales are nearly 200 billion pesos.
• represent 1.5% of GDP and 15% of GDP Tourist
• 96% of records are SMEs restaurants.

CANIRAC represents all restaurants in the country and gives its direct members, the following benefits:

*Union Representation
• Incorporation to the Mexican Business Information System (SIEM)
• Free Fire Insurance and Casualty Insurance
• Legal help
• Training
• Nutritional Information
• REDSTAURANTES (electronic invoices, order online, reservations, personal control, electronic files ...)
• Project management of general interest for the restaurant industry
• Communication Services
• Trade shows, exhibitions and gastronomic
• Financing Options

Lines of Action 2012 CANIRAC
1. - To increase the representativeness of the CANIRAC
2. - Dignify the Mexican restaurant industry and endorse the values ​​identified as suitable: Sustainability, Legality, Modernization, Organization, Professionalism, Service, Performance, Honesty, and Transparency.
3. - Accredit CANIRAC to Mexican society as solid trade organization, participatory, recognized, transparent and influential.
4 - Give dimension to the potential of the Mexican restaurant industry,
5 - Reverse the drop that happened in the restaurant industry in 2009, achieving average growth rates of 7% annually.
6. - Promoting compliance of current legal framework, under the slogan of "ZERO TOLERANCE to ILLEGALity".
7 - Maximize sectored public programs of economic development.
8 - Establish sufficient and reasonable funding sources to the industry .
9. - Maximize participation and the impact of the restaurant industry in the national tourism industry.


Related articles:

CANIRAC - Version in Spanish

Corporate brochure in Spanish
