[VIDEO] Ever wondered how cold cuts are made? Check out the process

Have you ever watched someone make a pimento loaf on an industrial level? No? Then it’s about time, and the Discovery show How It’s Made is here to deliver.
For those of us who know and love our deli meats, the grinding and molding process that goes into the creation of your favorite cold cuts isn’t exactly new information. Even so, the stark images of pulsating quivering liquefied meat ready for extrusion into pimento loaf pans and wet unfilled pepperoni and sausage casings can be a bit unnerving at first glance. For the uninitiated, such images could put someone right off their appetite.
But we certainly hope those appetites come back. Sausages may not look pretty while they’re being made, but what they lack in glamour they more than make up for in taste. Anyway, check it out and just remember how delicious the end product will be!
[SOURCE: Mashable]