Allergen Bureau: Members Working Together For the Better of the Food Industry

Allergen Bureau: Members Working Together For the Better of the Food Industry

By Ray Murphy
The key is to success is members working together pre-competitively for the betterment of the food industry The Allergen B...

The key is to success is members working together pre-competitively for the betterment of the food industry

The Allergen Bureau is a wonderful example of cooperation amongst competitors in the food industry, with national and multi-national food manufacturing and marketing companies, suppliers, importers, exporters, retailers and consumer groups sharing information on managing the risks of food allergens in industry in the interests of consumers.

The Members of the Allergen Bureau include icons of the food industry in Australia and New Zealand – and globally - who have given the Allergen Bureau the strong foundation upon which it has built its reputation with business, food industry groups and government food authorities. However, food allergen issues have to be managed as an industry and it is very important for small to medium food manufacturing and retailing businesses to add their voice to the Allergen Bureau. Small to medium businesses and other large businesses in the food industry involved in manufacturing, supply or sales involving food allergens, are encouraged to join the Allergen Bureau.

See our list of Full and Associate Members here

The Allergen Bureau Working Groups provide a collaborative approach to addressing allergen issues at the pre-competitive stage.  Following on from the success of the Allergen Labelling Exemptions Working Group, several Working Groups have been identified to help take forward key areas of development.  These Working Groups, and the responsible Allergen Bureau Director, are:

  • VITAL Phase 1 – Risk Review                                         (Kirsten Grinter, Nestle Australia Ltd)
  • VITAL Phase 2 – Risk Communication (Labelling)          (Julie Newlands, Unilever Australia Ltd)
  • VITAL Phase 3 – Certification                                         (Robin Sherlock, DTS-FACTa)
  • Cross-contact risk review anomalies                              (Kirsten Grinter, Nestle Australia Ltd)

 Allergen Bureau Working Groups are resourced and lead by Allergen Bureau member company volunteers and an Allergen Bureau director provides support to each Working Group.

Participation on a Working Group links you in with a range of enthusiastic, diverse and passionate food industry people from across our broad stakeholder groups.

Global influence and growth

The growth in the incidence of food allergens is an international phenomena. The Allergen Bureau draws on and disseminates information from all over the world on food regulations and the latest scientific research on food allergens including emerging food allergens.

While originally an organisation representing the ANZ food industry, international promotion and acceptance of Allergen Bureau initiatives has seen a number of international organisations support us through membership.

In addition, the VITAL Program, VITAL Online and the science of the VSEP has seen even greater international collaboration and utilisation of Allergen Bureau resources.

VITAL Training Providers provide another link to the global food industry.

See also:
